IGNACE, Ont., May 11, 2016 – The Township of Ignace and the Nuclear Waste Management Organization (NWMO) today announced the opening of a new Learn More Centre in Ignace, Ontario.
The facility will support local residents and those from neighbouring communities, including First Nation and Métis organizations and communities in the area, as they continue to explore Canada’s plan for the safe, long-term management of used nuclear fuel. The centre, located at 304 Main Street in the Ignace Town Plaza, is home to a variety of interactive learning materials and exhibits.
"The new centre marks an important development for our community. It will support the many regional engagement efforts that are underway,” said Ignace Mayor Lee Kennard. “It also serves as the new home for the Ignace Community Nuclear Liaison Committee. As we continue to learn together, I encourage all area residents to visit.”
“We look forward to this new facility supporting ongoing collaboration and learning activities,” said Kathryn Shaver, Vice-President of APM Engagement and Site Selection at the NWMO. “The centre will be an important hub as we enter the next several years of studies and regional engagement required to identify a safe site for a deep geological repository.”
The Ignace area is one of several currently engaged in preliminary assessments. These assessments are part of a multi-year process to evaluate potential suitability to host a repository and Centre of Expertise for the safe, long-term management of Canada’s used nuclear fuel.
The studies are designed to assess the potential for areas to meet strict safety and geotechnical requirements, and for the project to align with the area’s long-term goals and vision. Any decisions regarding a preferred site are still several years away.
The NWMO anticipates expanded learning centres will eventually be needed in other areas as the site selection process continues and more detailed studies begin.
About the NWMO
The purpose of the NWMO is to develop and implement, collaboratively with Canadians, a management approach for the long-term care of Canada’s used nuclear fuel that is socially acceptable, technically sound, environmentally responsible, and economically feasible. The NWMO was created in 2002 by Canada’s nuclear electricity producers. Ontario Power Generation, New Brunswick Power Corporation, and Hydro-Québec are the founding members, and along with Atomic Energy of Canada Limited, fund the NWMO’s operations. The NWMO derives its national mandate from the federal Nuclear Fuel Waste Act, which came into force in November 2002.
About the Township of Ignace
The Township of Ignace (population 1,183) is situated on Agimak Lake at the busy junction of Highway 17, Highway 599 and the Canadian Pacific Railway (two and a half hours west of Thunder Bay, and five hours east of Winnipeg). The economy is based primarily in the forest products, tourism and transportation industries. A strong accommodation and food services sector serves travellers along the Trans-Canada Highway business corridor.
For more information:
Patrick Dolcetti, Regional Communications Manager, NWMO
Lee Kennard, Ignace Mayor eleekennard@gmail.com 807.221.7980