Employing Young Talent Incentive (EYTI)
The Government of Ontario has announced a new initiative called the Employing Young Talent Incentive (EYTI) to promote economic growth and lower costs for small businesses. The intent of this program is to help small businesses better compete, grow, and invest, while helping young people find meaningful employment, and taking their first steps towards building a career. This incentive is available through Crossroad's Employment Service (ES) for qualifying businesses in Ignace for the fiscal years 2018-19 and 2019-20.
Employers who hire youth between the ages of 15 and 29 through the Employment Services Program could be eligible for a hiring incentive of $1000 followed by an additional $1000 retention payment at six months
Employer Eligibility
prove you are licensed to operate in Ontario
comply with workplace, human rights and labour legislation
have workplace safety and liability insurance
offer job opportunities taking place in Ontario
have fewer than 100 employees (full-time and part-time) counted at point the youth will start work
hire the ES assisted youth (ages 15-29)
Individuals must work a minimum average of 20 hours per week. Persons with disabilities are exempted from the minimum hour requirements
An employer must not:
be receiving other government funds (federal, provincial or municipal) for employing the same individual.
be a federal, provincial or municipal government and/or agency
use new hires with the Employing Young Talent Incentive to displace existing staff, or replace staff who are on lay-off
hire immediate family members, such as parent, spouse, sibling or child
be a designated broader public sector organization, as defined by the Broader Public Sector Accountability Act
Employers can receive the incentive more than once for different employees up to a maximum of $50,000
For More information on EYTI visit
How to Apply?
Contact your nearest Employment Ontario Office